Albergue El Socorro

For all bird lovers Albergue El Socorro has been created for all of you out there. Albergue El Socorro is one of the 12 bird watching sites of the Costa Rican Bird Route Section San Juan – La Selva. Bird watching is one of the fastest growing

Albergue El Socorro

recreational activities in the world. Costa Rica is known worldwide as an excellent place for observing birds. Due to the country’s fine treatment of visiting tourists, Costa Rica is a logical location for the development of Central America’s premier Bird Route.

The Albergue El Socorro Lodge is situated in the heart of the mountain. This lodge was incepted by Antonio Miranda back in 1957. Mr. Miranda’s family till today do their best to protect the beauty of this farm where nature is embodied in various bird species..

You will be surprised to know that accommodating in this lodge you’ll be neighbouring hundreds of birds of different species. Birds chirping every morning and night to wake you up and put you to sleep. There are a couple of activities and adventures that you can take part in. The first one being hiking which entails a 5 miles trail, then a couple of beautiful waterfalls and lastly a river where you can submerge yourself in its water and enjoy the pleasurable feel. While hiking it’s best to carry your camera to capture a glimpse of birds that are said to have over 200 species.

Albergue El Socorro2

The next segment includes a farm ride, where you can milk the cow, feed the animals or even eat the fresh vegetables from its soil.

The lodge connects to the community of Vigen del Socorro in San Miguel de Sarapiqui, between Poas Volcano National Park and Braulio Carrillo National Park.

Journey from San Jose by bus:

You will need to ride in a bus from Los Caribenos bus station right until San Miguel Sarapiqui. Once you arrive in San Miguel take a taxi to Albergue El Socorro.

Different approaches to the lodge:

From San Jose through Braulio Carrillo in own transport

You will need to go from the Braulio Carrillo highway reaching to the junction of Puerto Viejo, at this point, take a left turn and to Puerto Viejo. Keep driving until you reach San Miguel, from here look for the cemetery, when you sight it, take a left turn – the recognition here is the curved road. Keeping driving for 9 kilometers until you see the intersection for Cariblanco, from here turn left and drive another 1 kilometer and you will finally arrive at your destination Albergue El Socorro.

Journey from San Jose through Vara Blanca in private vehicle

Drive to the highway of Heredia and look for the road leading to Poasito. This road of Poasito will lead you directly to the highway of Vara Blanca. Keep driving and you’ll arrive in San Miguel, look for the graveyard, take a left from there and driver 9 km further to the intersection of Cariblanco, take a left and drive through until you see Albergue El Socorro.

Travelling via La Fortuna:

Head to Muelle and look for highway leading to Aguas Zarcas, Aguas Zarcas will lead you to San Miguel and from there onwards follow the route explained above.

Travelling via Cano Negro:

Drive to the main exit from Cano Negro and get on the highway leading to Muelle and follow Aguas Zarcas.

For more information on tours and packages you may visit the website link given below:

Website URL:
Tel.: 506-8820 -2160

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