Acro Yoga is a particular type of technique that combines Yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage. This combination makes this discipline not only aesthetic but also aesthetic. It is not only about intense workout rather three ancient disciplines are incorporated in this Yoga technique. For practicing Acro Yoga, one partner need to act as a base whereas the other will perform the postures actively with the support of the base partner. Both partners will be benefited immensely by practicing this Yoga. They will be able to enhance their feeling of trust and build a deep connection between them. Practitioner who will act as a base, will get more strength and the flyer will get more flexibility. They can also change their position and can get benefited in both ways.
In 2003, in San Francisco, the concept of Acro Yoga first came. By making a combination with the essence of Thai massage and yoga asanas, the Acro Yoga technique is based on the concept of being in the moment in balance.
Some practices included in Acro Yoga are:
- Gaze (Dristi)
- Internal locks (Bandhas)
- Vinyasa Flow (Synchronized movement with breath)
- Ocean Breath ( Ujjayi Breath)
Acro Yoga workouts involve three functions- the base, the flyer and the spotter. Practitioner who will take position with her/his back on the ground, acts as a base. And Flyer is the another practitioner who will take position above the ground with the help of the base. Base have to have strong limbs so that he/she can provide support to the flyer. A flyer will have to make various movement and it involves balancing and core strength as well as dependence on the base partner. Flyer need to have enough confident and trust on the base so that he/she can make the movements easily and comfortably. There will be a spotter whose task is to observe the partners and ensure that the flyer can land safely as well as to help them to improve their movements.
An Acro Yoga session begins with an opening circle that makes the partners to breath and move together. Then they will follow warm-up sessions that is designed with a sequence of yoga poses.Then they will proceed to the partner session that include stretches. And then the inversion that includes the poses in which the practitioners will be upside down. In this session partners will perform challenging poses with the help of each other. With a Thai massage, this session will be completed and it will stimulated the energy balance.
Benefits of Acro Yoga:
- By improving physical, mental and spiritual aspects, Acro Yoga workouts can mold the overall personality of the participant.
- This style of Yoga will help to lose weight and the Thai massage can make the skin glow.
- This type of practice also develop the confidence and trust between the partners.
- Acro Yoga workouts improves concentration that is helpful for getting relieved from stress, anxiety or worries.
- It also helps to ease different health conditions including pain and insomnia etc.
- The trio combination of Yoga, Acrobatics and Thai massage also improve immune system and improves the overall quality of life.
- Acro Yoga is also helpful for improving memory and capacity to recall as well.
- This practice can improve digestion, blood circulation, boosts elimination of toxins and thereby building stamina.
- Acro Yoga also helpful to get relieved from gas and constipation and improve proper body mental and physical health.
If you are going to visit Costa Rica and want to enjoy a Yoga retreat, you can check this article: Costa Rica Yoga Retreats
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