Iyengar Yoga

Firmly based on the traditional eight limbs of Yoga expounded by Patanjali, in his classic treatise, Iyengar Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga. This particular method of Yoga focuses on the development of the physical postures which ultimately make the structural alignment of the physical body. Developed over 75 years by Yogacharya BKS Iyengar, Iyengar Yoga is a discipline and deeply research system. This style of Yoga is designed with the practice of Yoga postures and breathing exercises with the innovative approach which emphasis precision and alignment, timing, planned sequencing and the use of props. This particular yoga technique allowed people of varying ages, levels of health and fitness. They can get the ability to face physical, mental and emotional difficulties by improving their strength, mobility, vitality, thoughtfulness and equanimity by practicing Iyengar Yoga.

This approach has allowed people of varying ages, levels of health and fitness to enjoy the benefits which a sustained practice can bring – the ability to face the physical, mental and emotional challenges f contemporary life with strength, vitality, mobility, thoughtfulness and equanimity.

Iyengar Yoga is a practice of precision and it is taught in many Iyengar institutes and yoga centers all around the world. During the practice of Iyengar Yoga, practitioners need to hold the postures for long periods and can use props. From the other Yoga techniques, Iyengar Yoga is different in three elements-techniques. sequence and timing.

  1. This style of Yoga refers to the precision of the body alignment and the breathing exercise performance.
  2. Practitioners need to practice the Iyengar Yoga workouts in a sequence that means following the specific sequence in achieving desired result.
  3. To follow perfect timing is also very important that means the time spent in each pose or breathing exercise.

iyengar-yoga-pose Benefits of Iyengar Yoga:

Based on the principles of Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga technique is helpful for improving flexibility, balance, stamina and concentration.

  1. Yama is the first principle that helps the body to resist cravings and materialistic desires.
  2. Second principle is Niyama that helps in cleansing the body and  mind and help to get rid of stress and anxiety.
  3. Third principle is based on the physical postures. These postures are helpful for improving flexibility and strength.
  4. Fourth principle include breathing exercises which are helpful to improve deep, slow breathing and regulate the breathing.
  5. Pratyahara and Dhyana are the other principles which makes the mind stable, calm and help to achieve unity with the Divine Power.

yoga During the practice of Iyengar Yoga, proper alignment is extremely important. While practicing the physical postures, practitioners need to make their body calm and stable by following relaxing pose like ‘child pose’ between the poses. Iyengar Yoga workouts are not as strong as other cardiovascular workouts as other Yoga techniques have. This style of Yoga consists some gentle workouts including breathing and meditation techniques which are helpful for improving flexibility and strength.

  1. By practicing Iyengar Yoga workouts, practitioners can get relieved from multiple alignments and disorders such as back pain, chronic neck pain, high blood pressure , immunodeficiency and many more.
  2. This style of Yoga consists
  3. Iyengar Yoga postures are effective for making stronger and flexible joints, ligaments and muscles that allows the body to develop harmoniously.
  4. At the time of practicing Iyengar Yoga workouts, practitioners can use props that will allow them independent of their capabilities or limitations and by using props, they can easily hold the postures.
  5. For practicing Iyengar Yoga workouts, practitioners need to spend more time in each pose that will help them to get higher levels of healing, strength
  6. Practitioners need to spend more time in each pose that help them to get higher levels of strength, healing, flexibility, healing and awareness.

Disadvantages of Iyengar Yoga:

  1. Iyengar Yoga workouts need more time to be practiced as the postures need to be held for a certain amount  of time  and it is the reason many people can not get time for practicing Iyengar Yoga due to their busy schedule.
  2. This particular Yoga technique is not suitable foo all types of people. People who have health issues like difficulties with joints or muscles, they should consult with an expert if they want to try Iyengar Yoga workouts.

Before joining a yoga retreat in Costa Rica, you can check out this article: Costa Rica Yoga Retreats. It will help you to choose the retreat that will suit you most.

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