
cirenas field work

Established in 2008, Cirenas is an independent academic program to create transformative connections between the people and the environment. It works for the well being of nature and people in the region through research, education, integration an innovation.


Set within the Caletas-Ario National Wildlife Refuge, Cirenas is 30 minutes north of St Teresa and Manzanillo on the Pacific Coast. From San Jose, it take approximately 5 hours and from Liberia it take 3 hours to reach the campus of Cirenas. The closest larger towns to the Cirenas are Santa Teresa and Cobano.

Way to the Cirenas:

You will find several options to choose from for traveling to Cirenas:

By Air:

From San Jose it will take 25 minutes flight time to reach Tambor. From there you can rent car or can hire taxi and will reach Cirenas within 45 minute drive.

Another option is to fly from San Jose to Liberia that will take 45 minutes. There you will find taxis and rented cars available. During dry season, it takes 3 hour drive to Cirenas from Liberia and during the rainy season, you will find the roads are unreliable and impassable.

By Car:

To reach Cirenas campus from San Jose, you can choose from one of the two ways. You can drive around the Peninsula via the Tempisque Bridge or can board into a ferry in Puntarenas to Paquera or Naranjo. It take 5 hours approximately from San Jose to Manzanillo and 3 hours approximately from Liberia to Manzanillo.


New Cirenas Campus is a place of combining beauty, safety, functionality, intellectual exchange, inspirations and empowerment. At this place you will experience first-hand more sustainable ways of living. It is features with:

overhanging cabin dorms Natural Buildings:

Cirenas campus structures were constructed with locally collected materials as well as the recycled and renewable products. All the buildings provide much natural environment with sufficient comfort and safety.

Sustainable Food Production:

Cirenas is producing sustainable food products and also collects locally.

Water Conservation:

To ensure a constant flow of water for human consumption and other uses, water harvesting and management systems have been put in Cirenas. Swales and ponds are created to capture water as much as it is possible and extend the growing seasons.

Waste Water Management:

In Cirenas, there is grey water recycling systems that can filter and reuse the ‘waste water’ for irrigation.

Alternative Energy Production:

Cirenas will explore biodigestion and crops for biofuels in addition to the future solar installations.


For providing valuable proteins for the community, the Cirenas campus is going to have pigs, goats, chickens and other animals.

Cirenas main classroom foundation work Campus Facilities:

Cirenas Campus provides the following facilities:

  1. There are 6 bungalows ideally designed with the capacity to hold 36 people.
  2. It features fully equipped classrooms with the capacity of holding 50 people.
  3. There is a large dining hall that can accommodate 40 people.
  4. This campus also provides storage facilities.
  5. It has wet/dry laboratory.
  6. There are natural spaces for doing yoga workouts, meditations and arranging events.
  7. Cirenas has hiking trail-system that is connected to the shores of the Pacific Ocean and also to the Caletas-Arío National Wildlife Refuge.


Cirenas offers different courses and retreats for students and adults. This allow them to have academically rigorous, inspirational, hands-on and transformative learning experiences.

cirenas workshops Education:

Cirenas offers experiential and practical programs including modules which are designed to cater to different types of people like school going kids, undergraduate and graduate students. These modules are based on tropical biology and ecology, natural history, agriculture, conservation, rural development, Permaculture and also environmental policy.

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