Dental Tourism in Costa Rica


Owing to the sky high cost of dental procedures in USA and Canada, many people are looking to other countries to get dental treatments. The fact that only very basic dental procedures are covered under insurance also does not help. It is estimated that over 150 million Americans do not have dental insurance. Of the many options available, one of the best seems to be Costa Rica for being easily accessible, low treatment costs – almost 1/2 to  1/3rd of that in US, having very high class dental facilities and being an excellent tourist destination. World Health Organization has also stated Costa Rica has one of the best health care systems in the World.

dental-tourism There are various websites available which will help you determine which clinic you can visit once in Costa Rica. Also, it would be advisable to plan this trip if you have multiple things to be taken care of by the dentist – implants, root canals, fixtures etc. This would ensure that the trip is worth the money spent.

Things to ensure prior to making the trip would be –

  • Thorough check on the facility or clinic from where you will be getting the treatment done
  • Do not rely only on websites, check for testimonials and feedbacks from previous and existing patients
  • Check for the credentials of the doctors and seek advice on the total cost of the treatment
  • Keep in mind the additional expenses for travel, accommodation and food


Most of the Dental Clinics and facilities are in and around San Jose and you can plan your visit based on the treatment dates and activities that can be done around San Jose. Most of the scenic beaches are near San Jose and if the doctor permits you can indulge in various activities like Surfing, Rafting, Hiking etc.

Why Costa Rica?

There are various reasons to choose Costa Rica as the destination to get your dental treatment done. Starting with the doctors here, most of them are qualified from American Universities and are at par with the US doctors. As mentioned earlier, the cost of treatment is almost 50-70% less than that in the United States. This is mainly due to the difference in economies, the low labour cost and less overhead costs. Also, US and Canadian citizens do not require a Visa to visit Costa Rica, hence reduced hassle.

The materials used like veneers, crowns etc. used in US are also manufactured in Costa Rica, hence there is no doubt about the quality of products used.

Some clinics even offer a warranty period when you can get any cracks or damage fixed, however, you will need to go back to get this done. Most of the clinics also offer to fill up US dental insurance forms, hence you do not need to worry about that aspect.

The things that can be explored in Costa Rica are numerous, with $1 converting to up to 500 colones, you are saving a lot and also getting to see a beautiful new country. Treatment will usually require a gap of few days between each sitting, make full use of it and make the dreaded dental procedure a pleasant one.

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