Los Santos Forest Reserve

Los Santos Costa Rica

Los Santos Forest Reserve is one of the most biologically diverse places of Costa Rica. It protects forest habitats in the Talamanca Mountains south and west of the city of San Jose. Located in a very important area for hydrographic basins (rivers Naranjo and Savegre), this reserve mainly covered by very humid tropical forests, pre-montane pluvial forests, low montane pluvial forests and montane pluvial forests. Main importance of this reserve is that it lies on the conservation of watersheds of Naranjo and Savegre River and it is also a key link between the national parks Manuel Antonio, Chirripo and Tapanti.


Los Santos Forest Reserve is covered by tropical forests and its climate remains dry from December to April and the rest of the year this zone has a very rainy weather and the temperatures varies from 12° to 28° C. The average annual rainfall is of 1.800 mm.


coffee tasting You can enjoy many activities inside the park and also  outside the park. If you prefer the activities inside the park you will get the opportunity to walk through the trails, watch different species of birds, enjoy the beautiful panoramic views, observe quetzals and also can visit Los Quetzales National Park. There are also many activities you can enjoy outside the park such as walking through the cloud forest, birdwatching, horseback riding, coffee tasting and also trout fishing.

Flora and Fauna:

forest You will find many species in Los Santos Forest Reserve and the species include the Mexican elm, the murta, the guaba, the horquetilla, the quina, the cucaracho, the papayillo, the picarillo,  the valerian root,  the mountain palm tree, the copey, the cañuela, oak trees, alder trees, the small cypress tree, the arrayan mora, the palo de paja, the nance macho, the rock tassel fern, the magnolia and also many ferns. This reserve is really a great biodiversity of flora species. It also includes an important hydroelectric zone, home to the beautiful quetzal.

You can also find many species of animals such as tapirs, coatis, peccaries, armadillos, mountain goats, foxes, weasels, squirrels,the jaguar, the margay, and the felids like the jaguarundi.
This place is also great for bird watching. It is home to many kind of birds like the black guan, quetzal, doves, partridges and clay ccolored hrushes. Otters and trout can also be found in this reserve. You can also find snakes like the jumping pitviper, the side-striped palm pitviper and the coral snake.


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