How to Ship a Car to Costa Rica

Shipping a vehicle to another country can be an intimidating task. Nonetheless, the benefits of having your own vehicle to travel your new surroundings can be marvelous, especially in Costa Rica. To assure your automobile’s security, it is important that you are aware of the common mistakes people make when they must ship a vehicle internationally. By doing so, you can avoid and prevent the possibility of any obstacles during your vehicle’s distant travels.

1. Hiring a transport company because they offer the lowest prices.

Never hastily hire just any transport company offering the cheapest rate. Make sure the company carries a great reputation and the experience to prove their services. You can easily read the reviews of any reputable company through various online resources. Transport services are known for being easier on the pocketbook, but stay skeptical of those offering abnormally low rates. On average it can cost anywhere from as little as $600 to $1500 or more to ship a car from the U.S. to Costa Rica. This is dependent on the type of car as well as the weight and height and the distance from the location of origin (if the transporter picks it up to take to the port) and then the distance from the export port to Costa Roca. Keep in mind that if you are able to drive the vehicle on your own to the exit port, you may be able to save quite a bit of money. If not, the company will be able to schedule your car to be picked up and conveniently delivered to the port for you.

2. Neglecting to ask the transporter if they carry insurance coverage.

Transport companies are required to carry insurance. This guarantees their services and protects the vehicle while it’s in their care. The typical insurance policy for the automobile isn’t active while it isn’t under the care of its owner. Fortunately, it’s not likely that your vehicle will suffer from any damage while in the hands of professionals.

3. Paying out a large down payment or full payment before the transport takes place.

A trustworthy shipping company won’t usually ask for any form of payment upfront. If a transporter asks for money right away, you may need to research the company even further or find another transporter all together.

4. Not presenting Custom’s with the documentation they require for a lawful import into Costa Rica.

It’s extremely important that you gather all of the proof necessary for auto import into the country. Otherwise, the vehicle may not be permitted for transport. Import policies can be changed at any time. It is highly suggested that as the owner of the vehicle, you contact the Embassy of Costa Rica for the present regulations set. It may take a few weeks or so to prepare all that is needed, but you will have the assistance of your overseas transport company along the way.

5. Forgetting to prepare the vehicle as requested by the transport company.

All transport companies will have standard preparation requirements that they hold the vehicle owners responsible for. The prep work is simple and not too time consuming, but it provides extra security for the vehicle and those handling the shipping process. Washing the automobile, cleaning the interior, and checking the fluids are just a few of the customary requirements.

Finding a great international transport company to ship your vehicle isn’t all that difficult, but it does require some research. A professional transporter will prove to be advantageous when you have the freedom of traveling the beautiful Central America country in your own automobile.

For more information on shipping a vehicle to Costa Rica, see

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