Tiger Shark

Common Name: Tiger Shark

Type: Fish / Mammal

Family: Carcharhinidae

Range: Tiger Sharks are available from Caribbean Sea to the Atlantic coast of the United States and from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to the Gulf of Mexico. The Pacific coast tiger sharks are normally found from southern California. In the western central Pacific, tiger sharks are found in Hawaiian, Solomon, and Marshall Islands. Costa Rica is an excellent destination to swim with sharks or view the top-rated adventure activity. Cocos Island is famous as one of the best shark diving locations in the world! Catalina Iceland, Papagayo and several places of GUANACASTE local sites are famous for this creature.

Size: An adult Tiger Shark length can be from 10 to 14 feet (3.25 to 4.25 meters). However, their average length is about 12 feet.

Weight: They can vary in weight from 850 pounds to approximately 1,800 pounds, (385 to 685 kg).

Diet: They are Carnivore. A tiger shark will eat any type of fish, shark, squid, animal, small mollusks and small entity it can find in the water. They are very curious by nature and will taste anything that comes their way. The stomachs of tiger sharks have been found with some very unique items that include pieces of jewelry, clothing, books, tires, and more.
Tiger sharks have a very big appetite but they will also eat when they are not hungry just because they see something around them and they enjoy. The difference in weight depends on the availability in the area of living.

Average life span: The average lifespan of a Tiger Shark is up to 50 years

Habitat: Tiger Shark inhabits normally at coastal waters close to shoreline to outer continental shelf and offshore including oceanic island groups. The habitat of a Tiger shark includes shallow tropical waters to the Mediterranean Sea, deep in open water as well as muddy estuaries. They are usually found in the of GUANACASTE Guanacaste local site, Catalina Iceland, Coco Island and Papagayo area.

Breeding/Reproduction: Female tiger sharks give birth to live young. The pups remain inside of their mother for up to 16 months with 14 months being the average. They can give birth to anywhere from 10 to 80 pups at a time. They will be on their own from the second they are born. Females are ready to reproduce when they are about 4 years of age. Males are ready when they are 5-6 years of age.
Their type of reproductive system is called ovoviviparous, which means that eggs hatch internally but the female is giving birth to live pups. One litter can vary between 30 and 55 Tiger shark pups.

Tiger Shark, scientifically known as Galeocerdo cuvier, is the one and only member of genus Galeocerdo, and is a species of requiem shark. Tiger Shark mostly found in tropical and temperate region, especially in the central Pacific island, and also in the water of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a terrific destination and Cocos Island is renowned as one of the best shark diving locations in the world!

Tiger Shark most commonly known as sea tiger is a nocturnal dangerous hunter. They are the second one in the list of record of attacks on human. The skin of a tiger shark usually ranges from blue to light green with a white or light yellow under part. This gives a camouflage to the tiger shark at the time of hunting for its prey. When prey looks at the shark from upper sea level, the shark will be camouflaged because the water below is darker than the above. It gets its name due to the stripes found on it that resemble those on a tiger. Each one of the tiger sharks will have stripes that are different in color, design, and size. You will also notice that their dorsal fins are very close to the tail.Again when prey is under the shark and looks upward, the tiger fish again gets camouflage because of the sun. It is lighter, so that the light under the belly also camouflages the shark. Stripes and Dark spots are usually seen in young sharks. They fade with the maturity of the tiger shark. Its head allows it to turn quickly to one side very easily because of its being wedge-shaped.

They have elector-receptors, in the small pits on the snout. The elector-receptors are known as ampullae of Lorenzini. They enable the tiger shark to find out electric fields, even the weak electrical impulses that are generated by the prey. These electron-receptors are very helpful while hunting in the dark region. Tiger sharks also have a sensory organ which is known as lateral line. It extends on the flanks down most of the length of their sides. The main role of this structure is to identify minute vibrations in the water level. These adaptations enable the tiger shark to hunt in darkness and find out the preys that have hidden themselves.
Tiger shark has strong eye sight and acute sense of smell. So it easily reacts with the presence of blood in the water and finds out the source. It mainly eats fish, mollusks, crustaceans, jellyfishes, seabirds, sea snakes, marine mammals and sea turtles. It has a big, calcified jaw. So it can take these big preys easily inside to its mouth. A tiger shark is a skilled swimmer. But it is little slow in swimming. This is a disadvantage. But when it intends to hunt any prey, a speed burst allows it to reach that prey.

A tiger shark is dangerous for humans. It is a common issue that a shark attacks human. Tiger sharks are most common in this case. They usually stay near the sea shores, in shallow water. They are very much dangerous for the surfers, sea shore visitors. Many people died and lost their parts of body at the attack of a tiger shark.

Tiger fishes are also familiar because of the huge demand of its fins, flesh and liver. Many fishing firms catch tiger fish for their business purpose.

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