Wildlife Tours

Gandoca- Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica

Gandoca- Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica

Located in one of the beautiful regions of Costa Rica, Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge is set in the south-eastern tip of the Caribbean slope. If you want adventure, fun, nature and wildlife in your travel, there’s no other place better than this. The place is surrounded by the Sixaola River at the Panamanian border to […]

Ostional Wildlife Refuge

Ostional Wildlife Refuge

The Ostional Wildlife Refuge is world-famous for being the biggest nesting ground of mainly olive ridley turtles as well as leatherback and pacific green turtles. Located  in between Punta India in the north and Punta Guiones and Nosara over in the south, this truly unique wildlife refuge is home to one of the greatest turtle […]

Whale Watching in Costa Rica

Whale Watching in Costa Rica

Costa Rica holds the longest season for humpback whale watching in the world. This whale specie comes to migrate in this country whenever winter comes in the Antarctica (between August to October). Come December to April, other whales come in to Costa Rica from Antarctica to mate and nest. There aren’t only the humpbacks to […]