By Sam on April 21, 2014
Animals, Geography, Islands, Marine Animals, National Parks, Wildlife Refuge

One of the biggest lures for visitors at the Cocos Island for explorers, divers, biologists and sailors is its rich biodiversity. The Island’s much sought after tropical waters teem with life including innumerable white tip reef sharks, schooling hammerhead sharks, dolphins, mantas and marbled rays, giant moray eels, sailfish, and the occasional whale shark. Other […]
By Monirul on December 23, 2013
Biological Reserves, National Parks, Wildlife Refuge

Arenal Volcano National Park Arenal Volcano National park provides an excellent stage for exited birders as it is home to the different species of birds. Moose, jaguar, white faced monkeys, coati, deer, toucans and snakes like the infamous fer-de-lance and parrot snake also can be found in this park. This park is different from the other […]
By Monirul on December 22, 2013
Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife of Costa Rica includes all biologically occurring animals, plants and fungi that exist in this Central American country. Costa Rica is populated with many different species of wildlife. This is mostly due to its geographic location between the South and North American continents and also for its neo tropical weather. Costa Rica is habitat […]
By Geoff McCabe on September 26, 2011
Biological Reserves, Guanacaste Province, Northwest, Nosara, Sea Turtles, Wildlife Refuge, Wildlife Tours

The Ostional Wildlife Refuge is world-famous for being the biggest nesting ground of mainly olive ridley turtles as well as leatherback and pacific green turtles. Located in between Punta India in the north and Punta Guiones and Nosara over in the south, this truly unique wildlife refuge is home to one of the greatest turtle […]
By Costa Rica Journeys on September 13, 2011
Bird Watching, Canopy Tours, Hiking, Private Reserves, Uncategorized, Wildlife Refuge

If you want to experience the panoramic views of Costa Rica’s vast vegetation in an entirely different level, then the Rainmaker Aerial Walkway is definitely for you. Imagine being on six suspended bridges that’s stretched for more than 800 feet and 25 stories high above the ground. The Rainmaker Aerial Walkway is yet another first […]