Samara: Not Your Average Beach in Costa Rica

Samara Costa Rica

Formerly known as a thriving fishing and farming village, the city of Samara used to be a well-kept secret among the upper class living in the area. As word slowly spread around about its long, pristine and pure white sands as well as its warm blue waters of the Pacific, Samara is becoming more and more visited by locals and foreigners alike.

The Best Time to Visit

Samara Beach in Costa Rica Almost any time of the year is viable to visit Playa Samara since it is graced with just the right temperature and the beautiful surroundings almost intertwine with the perfect climate. Although you may want to skip the months of September to December as this is the time when the beach can get crowded.

What Makes Samara Stand Out

This famous beach of Samara is not only known for its sands and seas but also for many other reasons. One of these is the coral reefs under the warm waters of Playa Samara. This place makes it an attraction for one-of-a-kind diving and snorkeling. If you’ve brought your friends and family along for a test at kitesurfing or swimming, then go to the bay all the way through the Isla Chora- a magnificent wooded island.

Another reason this beach is now flocked by many is that it is one if not the safest beach in Costa Rica because it’s almost completely pollution-free and no threats of sharks or untamed marine animals have been sighted.

As you walk along the beaches, you’ll be surprised by occasional cowboys passing by or riding their horses who are friendly enough to greet you their signature howdy’s. Areas of reforestations can also be seen as you stroll along the sands of Samara as well as immense fruit fields.

Places to See in Playa Samara

Playa samara Playa Samara may be commercialized but it is still able to maintain its natural beauty and organic flare. If you’re a fan of going to music clubs, Shake Joe’s in the beach may just be the right place for you. If you want the feel of a bar, Las Olas is a place for the young ones who want to party the night away, dancing to local Latin tunes.

If you prefer to look around the artistic side of Samara, Dragonfly Galeria is a place for you to see intricately-designed jewelries, handicrafts, shells, feathers and many more- something you can take home with you.

Located in the Southern Pacific in the province of Guanacaste, Samara is renowned for its safe, almost pollution-free tropical beaches and so much more. So if you’re one beach bum in a hunt for an entirely different and unique beach experience, Playa Samara is definitely the place to go to when you’re in the country.


Getting There 

Samara is approximately a 4-hour drive away from the San Jose International Airport although it would be quicker if you hop into one of the flights in the Liberia International Airport which is only two hours away from Samara. Take a public bus or a taxi but if you’re driving, simply follow the signs that will lead you there.


Places to Stay Near Playa Samara 

Hotel Sol Samara

Hotel Villas Playa Samara

Hotel Punta Islita

The Harmony Hotel


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