Northern Mountains Eco Lodges

Leaves and Lizards Arenal

Leaves and Lizards Arenal

  A small, casual and intimate accommodation option, Leaves and Lizards Arenal Volcano Retreat is sprawls across more than 26 acres of a picturesque hill landscape and a remarkable country style old fashioned charm, highlighted by a mountain valley topography. Initially set up as a dairy, Leaves and Lizards was deforested and segregated into 30 […]

Arenal Oasis Eco Lodge

Arenal Oasis Eco Lodge

Owned and managed by the native Rojas Bonilla clan, the old fashioned and rustic charm exuding Arenal Oasis Eco Lodge is an aggregation of outstanding natural experiences with friendly service and sustainable tourism. The lodge is predominantly an ecological farm that has devotedly adhered to strict practices in sustainable development along with fastidious conservation policies […]

Catarata Eco Lodge

Catarata Eco Lodge

    Catarata Eco Lodge is an unassuming and intimate family style ambiance sporting La Fortuna property, which brings together the best experiences of sustainable tourism, comfortable living conditions and exhilarating naturalist/adventure tours. Tucked away from the prying eyes of tourists (against a spectacular backdrop of the dramatic Arenal Vocano), Catarata is a brilliant fusion […]

El Silencio Lodge & Spa

El Silencio Lodge & Spa

    Created by one of the country’s most famous architects, the El Silencio Lodge and Spa is a unique combination of a natural charm radiating vacation property, a quaint rural farm and earthy countryside homes. Every element (wood, glass, bamboo) involved in the creation of this lodge has been put in place to merge […]